Head Office and Branch Office |
Head Office 〒169-8885 東京都新宿区北新宿2-21-1新宿フロントタワー 総合受付22F Shinjuku Front Tower, 2-21-1, Kita-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8885 |
TEL:03-5338-9200 FAX:03-5338-9225 |
Kansai Branch Office 〒530-0005 大阪府大阪市北区中之島2-2-7中之島セントラルタワー23F 23F, Nakanoshima Central Tower,2-2-7,Nakanoshima,Kita-Ku,Osaka 530-0005 |
TEL:06-4707-2111 FAX:06-4707-2151 |
Branch |
Hokkaido Branch 〒060-0807 北海道札幌市北区北七条西1-2-6 NCO札幌10F 10F, NCO Sapporo , 1-chōme-2-6 Kita 7 Jōnishi Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0807 Japan |
TEL:011-806-2011 FAX:011-806-2015 |
Kyushu Branch 〒812-0013 福岡県福岡市博多区博多駅東1-12-6 花村ビル 1-chōme−12−6, Hakataekihigashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan |
TEL:092-477-8471 FAX:092-477-8472 |
Nagoya Branch 〒456-0022 愛知県名古屋市熱田区横田1-11-6 フジ神宮ビル403号室 1-chōme−11−6, Yokota, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 456-0022 Japan |
TEL:052-678-3201 FAX:052-678-3202 |
Factories |
Ashikaga Factory No.1 〒326-8511 栃木県足利市借宿町668 668, Kariyado-Cho, Ashikaga-Shi, Tochigi 326-8511 |
TEL:0284-73-9112 FAX:0284-73-9830 |
Ashikaga Factory No.2 〒326-0332 栃木県足利市福富新町1570 1570, Fukutomishin-Machi, Ashikaga-Shi, Tochigi 326-0332 |
TEL:0284-73-9311 FAX:0284-73-9884 |
Shiga Factory No.1 〒520-2332 滋賀県野洲市妙光寺95 95, Myokoji, Yasu-Shi, Shiga 520-2332 |
TEL:077-588-1050 FAX:077-588-4020 |
Shiga Factory No.2 〒529-1171 滋賀県犬上郡豊郷町安食西1 1, Anjikinishi, Toyosato-Cho, Inukami-Gun, Shiga 529-1171 |
TEL:0749-35-3311 FAX:0749-35-4513 |
Bibai Factory 〒072-0801 北海道美唄市東七条北9-2-1 9-2-1, Higashi 7-jo Kita, Bibai-Shi, Hokkaido 072-0801 |
TEL:0126-62-2410 FAX:0126-62-4969 |
Kyushu Factory 〒820-0073 福岡縣飯塚市平恒477-29 477-29, Hiratsune, Iizuka-Shi, Fukuoka 820-0073 |
TEL:0948-24-6111 FAX:0948-24-2598 |
Achilles products are being exported, and enjoying a good reputation, to regions all over the world, including America, Europe, China and Southeast Asia. But not just exports Achilles has looked ahead to the development of specialized fields internationally, and in 1973, we first established Achilles USA, Inc. a production plant in Everett, Washington and then sales offices in Detroit. We put roots down firmly in the American ground and have been expanding steadily. Since 1990’s, we have greatly expanded our business in China in conjunction with the spectacularly rapid economic growth. We established local production plants in various regions of China, and linked up with sales and marketing centers in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Furthermore, we opened the other business center in Taiwan aiming at further expansion of business in Asia in recent years. The trade in knowledge, such as technology and technical know-how has become increasingly more important, and we have great expectations that Achilles’ overseas businesses will have a great presence.
Overseas Subsidiaries and Affiliates |
ACHILLES USA, INC. (HEADQUARTERS) 1407, 80th Street, S.W., Everett, Washington 98203, U.S.A. |
Tel.1-425-353-7000 Fax.1-425-347-5785 |
ACHILLES USA, INC. (DETROIT Sales Office) 28175 Haggerty Rd., Suite 151, Novi, Michigan 48377, U.S.A. |
Tel.1-248-994-8028 Fax.1-248-994-8029 |
興國香港有限公司 ACHILLES HONG KONG CO., LIMITED 香港九龍紅磡民裕街36號榮業大廈五字樓A座 Unit A, 5/F., Winner Building, 36 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG |
Tel.852-2362-8324 Fax.852-2764-1024 |
榮新科技有限公司 WINFAST TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 香港九龍紅磡民裕街36號榮業大廈五字樓A座 Unit A, 5/F., Winner Building, 36 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG |
Tel.852-2314-0366 Fax.852-2377-9639 |
阿基里斯(上海)國際貿易有限公司 ACHILLES(SHANGHAI)INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. 200336 上海市延安西路2201號上海國際贸易中心1507室 Room1507, Shanghai, International Trade Center, 2201 YanAn West Road, Shanghai, 200336, P.R.CHINA |
Tel.86-21-63648024 Fax.86-21-63936549 |
阿基里斯先進科技股份有限公司 ACHILLES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 30069 台灣新竹市公道五路二段415號6樓 6F., No.415, Sec. 2, Gongdao 5th Rd., Hsinchu City, 30069, TAIWAN |
Tel.886-3-5737300 Fax.886-3-5737355 |
昆山阿基里斯人造皮有限公司 KUNSHAN ACHILLES ARTIFICIAL LEATHER CO., LTD. 215300 中國江蘇省昆山市經濟技術開發區雲雀路288号 No.288, Yun Que Road, Kunshan Economics Developing Zone, Kunshan, Jiangsu, 215300, P.R. CHINA |
Tel.86-512-57722858 Fax.86-512-57722859 |